Announcing Our 2024 Programs!

Join us this summer for explorations of sustainable and compassionate living… and fun!

March 25, 2024


After a winter hibernation to incubate new possibilities, we’re back online and excited to share with you what we‘ve been cooking up for 2024! It will be our fullest, richest, most varied program season yet, and we look forward to welcoming new friends and old for the continuing adventures of developing our eco-campus and ourselves.

Our 2024 programs will span the spheres of natural building, organic gardening and permaculture, meditation and the creative process — and, as always, Earthville’s contemplative, community-oriented approach will provide fertile opportunities for connection, reflection, insight, and joy.

We’re looking forward to offering these experiences, and we hope you can join us for one or more!


Summer of Sustainability 2024

Jun 24 – Sep 21, 2024

A three-month immersive residential service-learning program providing an engaging in-depth exploration of sustainable and compassionate living integrating hands-on experience with contemplative practice in a healthy and supportive environment in the lap of nature.

Explorations will include:

  • Earth-friendly natural building

  • Organic food-growing

  • Permaculture principles

  • Integrated personal and vocational development

  • Healthy living: meditation, yoga, and more


For details and registration, see this page.


Spontaneous Creativity:
Meditation for Manifestation

July 8 – 13, 2024

Explore the power of creativity. Learn to enhance your creative process through meditation. This engaging six-day retreat presents wisdom and practices from Tibetan Bön Buddhist master Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, with a syllabus designed with his support.

In this retreat, we will explore practices that support us to connect to the source of creativity within us, and we will work with ourselves in order to activate our creative potential. We will engage mind, body, heart and spirit through meditation sessions, philosophical discussions, and hands-on creative activities.


For details and registration, see this page.


Touching Earth: Natural Building Workshop

Jul 22 – Aug 3, 2024

Touching Earth is a two-week residential workshop exploring natural building techniques and our connection to nature.

This interdisciplinary workshop-retreat will provide opportunities to learn and practice some of the foundational skills of natural, eco-friendly earthen building and contemplate living in harmony with nature while enjoying a healthy and sustainable lifestyle in a beautiful part of Colorado.

Touching Earth is designed as a two-week workshop and is best experienced that way, but in support of those with limited time we also offer the option to register for only one week: week 1, with a focus on clay; or week 2, with a focus on lime.

For those with interest and time, the workshop will be followed by an optional practicum enabling participants to continue deepening their learning and refining their skills by staying on as a volunteer and working alongside our team in the ongoing building work.


For details and registration, see this page.


Open Volunteer Period: Sustainable Living

Aug 7 – Sep 19, 2024 — flexible timing: come whenever you can!

A hands-on service-learning opportunity where you can explore foundational practices for sustainable living, including natural building, organic gardening, and permaculture principles, while supporting the creation of a new eco-campus for the study of compassionate living.

The hands-on work will include various projects around the campus, including interior and exterior work on several natural buildings that are in various stages of completion, as well as organic gardening and other permaculture projects. We provide basic training in some of the fundamental techniques required to do the work well, and then you’ll practice them by working alongside our team.

For details and registration, see this page.


Building a Better World

Our flagship service-learning program for compassionate and creative changemaking

Ongoing, with multiple intake dates

Building a Better World is a collaboration between Earthville Institute and Dharmalaya Institute (our Himalayan sister school), structured as an ongoing series of workshops, courses and retreats designed to empower the creators of a more sustainable and harmonious world.

This contemplative and embodied program seeks to engage the whole of us in the exploration of the most vital topics of our times:

  • Responsible local and global citizenship

  • Insightful and effective changemaking

  • Cultivating holistic well-being for self and others

  • Integrated personal and vocational development

  • Wise and compassionate leadership

  • The power of creativity to transform people and the world

For details and registration, see this page.


Inner Nature & Outer Nature: Inseparably One


Leadership Training in the Himalayas